Here’s a little musing from Brett. Thought you’d all appreciate it!
Patience . . .
Originally I had planned to discuss talent and skill, but as I sit here trying to type this with my finger wrapped in a bandage, I realize there’s something else I need to speak to. Patience!
Patience is something we learn at a young age and tend to forget often throughout life. Right now, I’m dealing with an instance where I did not have patience. I was in a hurry to open up our new kettlebell rack and get it inside the gym so I could get home for lunch. About halfway through cutting the box open in a hurried manner, I sliced right into my index-finger on my left hand. As you can imagine it could have been a horrific mess, but this wasn’t my first rodeo. Anyways, we got it fixed up. I am telling you this to provide you with a little backstory as to the importance of having patience. Had I just slowed down and cut the box open correctly (the safe way), I wouldn’t have injured myself in this fashion.
Now, not only is my training suffering, so is my ability to type this blog. It would really suck to be missing a finger. All jokes aside, this experience has been a reminder to slow down and be patient. The universe has a great way of reminding me (and all of us) to take your time. Anything worth doing, is worth doing right.
Currently I’ve been training non-stop for too many things at once; the Beast Challenge, the Tactical Strength Challenge, and the Highland Games. All have overlapping qualities, but I should state I’ve been doing it with a sprained right wrist from overtraining grippers (I had never used a gripper before and thought it a good idea to do two hours of work the first time). With that in mind, I’ve done a ton of work just using my left arm and have started to feel it. What I should have done is pick one thing and just train for that specifically. Nevertheless, the universe has now taught me the meaning of patience. I know I must slow down for a few weeks before resuming training for one of the afore mentioned goals.
I write this all in hopes that the few of you who do read this understand the joys of taking your time and doing thing correctly. In training, much as in life, the best results come to those who have the patience to slow down and learn along the way. In training, we tend to get ahead of ourselves; be it too much weight, moving too fast, or not recovering. It all affects us. Slow down, learn the movement, master the movement at the current weight, and then remember to be patient before moving on to the next!