“When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.” This quote is most often used when referring to treating everyone in the gym the same. In the past I would have agreed with the sentiment of this statement having witnessed various trainers and their clients interact. While the aforementioned interaction is not how we work with our students at Charleston Kettlebell Club, I now realize the fallacy of this thinking.
The problem is “everyone is a nail” as expressed by Dan John and Pavel at a SGF Certification. We all share similar physiology and we should all work to master the basic human movement patterns: Hinge, Squat, Push, Pull, Rotation/Anti-Rotation and Lunge/Gait. However, we don’t all share the same goals, experiences, stressors and lives. While we are certainly not unique snowflakes (sorry folks!), we are different due to age, experience, injuries, genetics and a many others issues. Thus, as Pavel said, “Some nails are sturdier than others”. Perhaps the secret is to choose the proper hammer for the job.